Sunday, January 31, 2021

The Musician

 If you imagine your life as a musical instrument, and your own spirit as the musician, you quickly see that it is up to you what sort of music you wish to play. For a good musician does not confuse himself with his instrument. He does not think to himself "my violin is out of tune, therefore I am out of tune". Similarly, he does not feel limited just because his instrument is limited. Sure, the instrument makes the tones and sounds that are characteristic of that particular instrument - a piano cannot play like a trumpet. But it would be a very deluded pianist indeed, who concluded from this fact that he himself is determined by the characteristics of his instrument. For in reality the musician can play an infinite variety of melodies, to an equally infinite level of perfection, regardless of the limitations of the instrument he happens to be playing. 

In the same way, the life I am given to live does not determine the limits and destiny of my spirit.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

The Symetry of Colour

Here is another instalment of this study in colour. It is intended to demonstrate how additive colour mixing works on an intuitive level. It is not intended to replace the reductionistic model with yet another model, but instead to reveal the coherence and logic contained in the relationship between colours. This understanding runs contrary to the mechanistic explanation of colour, whereby the relationships between colours are assumed to be arbitrary, and any meaning we might see in them merely the result of cultural and/or biological conditioning.   For more on this topic, please visit this post.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The Magenta Scandal Continued

Here is a more in-depth analysis of "the Magenta Scandal" - Colour Theory, and "the wholeness of Nature"


Wednesday, January 13, 2021

"Magenta does not exist"


This statement contradicts our immediate, first-hand empirical experience.

How is it, then, that science-journalists have come to propagate such a patent lie?

Well, the answer is; materialism.

You see, the first step you take as a materialist is to imagine a molecule, or wave, as being the only thing that really exists. You then conflate the colour with the molecule, or wave.

Step two, you discover that there is no magenta when you shine a beam of light through a prism.

Never mind that Goethe demonstrates that there is indeed magenta when light shines through a prism - only, you have to project a thin beam of shadow through it instead of a thin beam of light (see diagram bellow)

But you are a materialist. Only what is positively THERE can be considered real. So naturally, only the light is real, not the darkness. You then automatically conclude that magenta is a composite of blue and red wavelengths - in other words, you arrive at a lie - that magenta doesn't really exist.

As a materialist, you over-look the fact that, according to your own metaphysical assumptions, ALL colour is not "really there" - but never mind that, you aren't particularly interested in thinking things through - after all, thinking "isn't really there" either.

 I state all this so-as to illustrate a point. If science journalists can propagate such absolute non-truths as "magenta is not a real colour" as a result of their materialistic delusions, imagine what catastrophes of misinformation they are capable of when it comes to health.

Top diagram shows the classic prismatic colours, where a thin beam of light is shone through a prism.

Below show's Goethe's inversion of the above; where a thin beam of shadow is "shone" through the prism. Here the prismatic colours are inverted, with magenta in the middle.

The Fiction of "Outer Space"

It is the convention of map reading to place North at the top of the page. But everyone knows that this has no bearing on anything beyond co...